Acoustic therapy improves hearing distress.
Sound can only be heard well when there is proper coordination between the ear and the brain, but when one ear becomes deaf, the brain increases its sensitivity in search of the missing sound. As a result, tinnitus, ringing in the ears, and a feeling of ear-closure may occur, and the direction in which sounds are heard may be lost.

- Hearing test with audiometer

- Creation of CDs for acoustic therapy
Treatment to restore hearing and to improve the hearing coordination between the ear and brain is effective, so we utilize acupuncture and acoustic therapy to improve hearing distress.
It is effective even after 3 months from onset.
Sudden hearing loss is considered more difficult to cure the longer it takes to develop, but acupuncture and acoustic therapy have restored hearing, and many patients no longer have to worry about tinnitus. Some also said that they were able to understand the direction in which sounds were heard and were able to understand what was being said even in large meetings.

- time of origin:2016.08.31

- 2017.01.10
Started acoustic therapy and acupuncture

- 2017.04.26
Bass recovered to normal (30㏈ in otolaryngological terms)
Above are the hearing test results of a patient whose hearing improved with acupuncture and acoustic therapy 6 months after the onset of sudden hearing loss.
Good for the ears!Use classical music.
Acoustic therapy uses classical CDs, which are known to have a positive effect on hearing and brain activity.
The CD is processed according to the patient's hearing ability, and the patient listens to the first violin, second violin (female voice), viola (middle range voice), and cello (male voice) with bone-conduction headphones while viewing the arrangement of the CD cover photo.
Rehabilitate your ears and brain with CDs suited to your hearing ability.
Acoustic therapy with bone-conduction headphones
With each session of acoustic therapy, hearing and spatial awareness often improve, as the patient gradually becomes able to hear the range of sounds that were not audible and to recognize the directionality of sounds.
*Sudden hearing loss is more difficult to cure the longer it takes from the onset, so please contact our clinic as soon as possible to avoid any residual effects.